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Troubleshooting Shading Artifacts

This section addresses common shading issues.

Shadow Artifacts at Joints

The MMD model use Spherical Deformation which is not supported in shadow map. So, the shadow at the joint will be broken.


To resolve this issue, you can force all shaders to support SDEF or disable the SDEF feature when loading pmx.


Note that with SDEF, you get the same results as MMD, but use more performance

SdefInjector.OverrideEngineCreateEffect(engine); // Force all shaders to support SDEF
// this method must be called before creating the scene


const assetContainer = await loadAssetContainerAsync("res/your_model.pmx", scene, {
pluginOptions: { // you can pass options to the loader using pluginOptions
mmdmodel: {
useSdef: false // Disable SDEF


Knee Solved

Transparent Artifacts

MmdStandardMaterial is rendered in alpha blending with forceDepthWrite enabled, so be careful when using post-processes or shaders that use depth information.

for example, you should enable transparencyShadow in ShadowGenerator to render shadows correctly.

const shadowGenerator = new ShadowGenerator(2048, directionalLight, true, camera);
shadowGenerator.transparencyShadow = true;

and for post-processes, you should enable forceDepthWriteTransparentMeshes in depthRenderer.

for (const depthRenderer of Object.values(scene._depthRenderer)) {
depthRenderer.forceDepthWriteTransparentMeshes = true;

The proper transparencyMode of the mesh is determined at load time by a specific algorithm to perform optimizations that determine opaque meshes. However, for a certain small number of models, optimization by these algorithms may result in the wrong transparencyMode.

To fix this, you can disable the optimization settings. The code looks like this:

const materialBuilder = new MmdStandardMaterialBuilder();
materialBuilder.renderMethod = MmdStandardMaterialRenderMethod.DepthWriteAlphaBlending;

const assetContainer = await loadAssetContainerAsync("res/your_model.pmx", scene, {
pluginOptions: {
mmdmodel: {
materialBuilder: materialBuilder // Override the material builder

The other approach is to choose the most appropriate transparencyMode possible without using forceDepthWrite. This approach should be compatible with most post-processing and shaders.

const materialBuilder = new MmdStandardMaterialBuilder();
materialBuilder.renderMethod = MmdStandardMaterialRenderMethod.AlphaEvaluation;

const assetContainer = await loadAssetContainerAsync("res/your_model.pmx", scene, {
pluginOptions: {
mmdmodel: {
materialBuilder: materialBuilder // Override the material builder

The DepthWriteAlphaBlendingWithEvaluation and AlphaEvaluation methods both add some delays to the execution of the algorithm. To improve this, you can force off the optimization that automatically determines the transparencyMode and set the transparencyMode manually.

const materialBuilder = new MmdStandardMaterialBuilder();
materialBuilder.forceDisableAlphaEvaluation = true;
const alphaBlendMaterials = ["face02", "Facial02", "HL", "Hairshadow", "q302"];
const alphaTestMaterials = ["q301"];
materialBuilder.afterBuildSingleMaterial = (material): void => {
if (!alphaBlendMaterials.includes( && !alphaTestMaterials.includes( return;
material.transparencyMode = alphaBlendMaterials.includes(
material.useAlphaFromDiffuseTexture = true;
material.diffuseTexture!.hasAlpha = true;

const assetContainer = await loadAssetContainerAsync("res/your_model.pmx", scene, {
pluginOptions: {
mmdmodel: {
materialBuilder: materialBuilder // Override the material builder
  • forceDisableAlphaEvaluation - If true, the optimization that automatically determines the transparencyMode is disabled.
  • afterBuildSingleMaterial - This callback is called after the material is created. You can use this to preprocess the material.

Outline Artifacts

Outline rendering might looks weird with some post-processes or shaders.

In this case, you should consider turning off outline rendering partially or disabling it in loaders.

const materialBuilder = new MmdStandardMaterialBuilder();
materialBuilder.loadOutlineRenderingProperties = () => { /* do nothing */ };

const assetContainer = await loadAssetContainerAsync("res/your_model.pmx", scene, {
pluginOptions: {
mmdmodel: {
materialBuilder: materialBuilder // Override the material builder
  • loadOutlineRenderingProperties - This callback is called when loading the outline rendering properties. You can override this to customize the outline rendering properties.

Deactivating at load time is more efficient than deactivating after loading. Because once loaded, the shader gets compiled

So if you want to make any changes to the loaded asset, check the loader option first

Full code applied up to here

import type { Engine } from "@babylonjs/core";
import { Color3, DirectionalLight, HavokPlugin, HemisphericLight, Material, MeshBuilder, Scene, ShadowGenerator, Vector3 } from "@babylonjs/core";
import HavokPhysics from "@babylonjs/havok";
import { MmdCamera, MmdMesh, MmdPhysics, MmdPlayerControl, MmdRuntime, MmdStandardMaterialBuilder, PmxLoader, SdefInjector, StreamAudioPlayer, VmdLoader } from "babylon-mmd";

import type { ISceneBuilder } from "./baseRuntime";

export class SceneBuilder implements ISceneBuilder {
public async build(_canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, engine: Engine): Promise<Scene> {

// fix material alpha mode
const materialBuilder = new MmdStandardMaterialBuilder();
materialBuilder.useAlphaEvaluation = false;
const alphaBlendMaterials = ["face02", "Facial02", "HL", "Hairshadow", "q302"];
const alphaTestMaterials = ["q301"];
materialBuilder.afterBuildSingleMaterial = (material): void => {
if (!alphaBlendMaterials.includes( && !alphaTestMaterials.includes( return;
material.transparencyMode = alphaBlendMaterials.includes(
material.useAlphaFromDiffuseTexture = true;
material.diffuseTexture!.hasAlpha = true;

const scene = new Scene(engine);
scene.ambientColor = new Color3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);

const camera = new MmdCamera("mmdCamera", new Vector3(0, 10, 0), scene);

const hemisphericLight = new HemisphericLight("HemisphericLight", new Vector3(0, 1, 0), scene);
hemisphericLight.intensity = 0.3;
hemisphericLight.specular.set(0, 0, 0);
hemisphericLight.groundColor.set(1, 1, 1);

const directionalLight = new DirectionalLight("DirectionalLight", new Vector3(0.5, -1, 1), scene);
directionalLight.intensity = 0.7;
directionalLight.shadowMaxZ = 20;
directionalLight.shadowMinZ = -15;

const shadowGenerator = new ShadowGenerator(2048, directionalLight, true, camera);
shadowGenerator.transparencyShadow = true;
shadowGenerator.bias = 0.01;

const ground = MeshBuilder.CreateGround("ground1", { width: 60, height: 60, subdivisions: 2, updatable: false }, scene);
ground.receiveShadows = true;

// load mmd model
const mmdMesh = await loadAssetContainerAsync("res/YYB Hatsune Miku_10th/YYB Hatsune Miku_10th_v1.02.pmx", scene, {
pluginOptions: {
mmdmodel: {
materialBuilder: materialBuilder
}).then((result) => {
return result.meshes[0] as MmdMesh;
for (const mesh of mmdMesh.metadata.meshes) mesh.receiveShadows = true;

// // enable physics
scene.enablePhysics(new Vector3(0, -9.8 * 10, 0), new HavokPlugin(true, await HavokPhysics()));

// create mmd runtime
const mmdRuntime = new MmdRuntime(scene, new MmdPhysics(scene));

const mmdModel = mmdRuntime.createMmdModel(mmdMesh);

// load animation
const vmdLoader = new VmdLoader(scene);
const modelMotion = await vmdLoader.loadAsync("model_motion_1", [
const cameraMotion = await vmdLoader.loadAsync("camera_motion_1",



// add audio player
const audioPlayer = new StreamAudioPlayer(scene);
audioPlayer.source = "res/higma - メランコリナイト melancholy night feat.初音ミク.mp3";

new MmdPlayerControl(scene, mmdRuntime, audioPlayer);

return scene;