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Load MMD Model

Learn how to load models in PMX format.

Download MMD Model: "YYB Hatsune Miku_10th"

If you have a pmx model you want, you can use it.

In this tutorial, we will use the "YYB Hatsune Miku_10th" model.

You can download it from here.

zip preview

Unzip the downloaded zip file and copy the "YYB Hatsune Miku_10th" folder to the "res" folder.

vscode file structure

Your file structure should look like this.

Load PMX Model

For load pmx model, we need to import side effects.

import "babylon-mmd/esm/Loader/pmxLoader";

Then, load the model using the loadAssetContainerAsync.

const mmdMesh = await loadAssetContainerAsync("res/YYB Hatsune Miku_10th/YYB Hatsune Miku_10th_v1.02.pmx", scene)
.then((result) => {
return result.meshes[0] as MmdMesh;
for (const mesh of mmdMesh.metadata.meshes) mesh.receiveShadows = true;
  • loadAssetContainerAsync - Load the model (All other loading methods like SceneLoader.ImportMeshAsync are also supported).

    • "res/YYB Hatsune Miku_10th/YYB Hatsune Miku_10th_v1.02.pmx" - the path to the model file. If you pass a File object, you can load the model from the File object.
    • scene - the scene to load the model into.
  • An loadAssetContainerAsync call in pmx file guarantees that result.meshes length is always greater than 0 and result.meshes[0] is always a root mesh which type is MmdMesh.

  • Below is the shadow setting. see Shadows | Babylon.js Documentation for more information.
