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Load Animation

Learn how to load and play animations in VMD format.

Download Animation: "メランコリ・ナイト"

If you already have a desired motion, feel free to use it. In this tutorial, we will use "メランコリ・ナイト" by ほうき堂

You can download the motion from here.

Check the video description for the download link.

zip file

Compressed files distributed by the Japanese often have encoding problems. Compression programs such as Bandizip can solve this problem by changing the codepage.

zIp file fixed

Unzip the downloaded zip file and copy the "メランコリ・ナイト" folder to the "res" folder.

vscode file structure

Your file structure should look like this.

Create MMD Runtime

MMD has its proprietary animation system, so babylon-mmd provides a runtime to reproduce it. We will create an MMD Runtime and make the camera and mesh controlled by the runtime.

const mmdRuntime = new MmdRuntime(scene);

const mmdModel = mmdRuntime.createMmdModel(mmdMesh);
  • mmdRuntime.register(scene) - Register the runtime to the scene update loop. This is required to runtime to work.
  • mmdRuntime.setCamera(camera) - Set the camera to be controlled by the runtime.
  • mmdRuntime.createMmdModel(mmdMesh) - Create an MMD model from the mesh. MmdModel is a kind of controller that abstracts and controls Mesh from the perspective of MMD.

Load VMD Animation

For load VMD animation, we use the VmdLoader.

const vmdLoader = new VmdLoader(scene);
const modelMotion = await vmdLoader.loadAsync("model_motion_1", [
const cameraMotion = await vmdLoader.loadAsync("camera_motion_1",
  • vmdLoader.loadAsync returns MmdAnimation, which can store one model and one camera animation. There is no type distinction between camera animation and model animation.

  • The motion we are currently using is divided into skeleton, facial, and lip components. While combining them in advance and loading as one would be more performance-efficient, in this tutorial, we will use a feature to merge multiple motions into one.

    • By looking at the code for creating modelMotion you can identify the merging method.

For handle MmdAnimation we need to import animtion runtime side-effect.

import "babylon-mmd/esm/Runtime/Animation/mmdRuntimeCameraAnimation";
import "babylon-mmd/esm/Runtime/Animation/mmdRuntimeModelAnimation";

Here's how to add and play animations.



  • Both MmdCamera and MmdModel are designed to store multiple animations. Therefore, you must set the animation to use after adding it.
  • mmdRuntime.playAnimation() - Start playing the animation.