mmd loader and runtime for Babylon.js
Organize how to use the library in the document because readme alone lacks space.
Typically, after loading using a loader, it is possible to optimize the scene. However, babylon-mmd provides several optimization options within the loader, and it is also designed to allow users to override various features.
The ultimate goal of these features is to provide users with an incredibly fast loading experience and achieve a lightweight playback of MMD works on the web, much like loading a YouTube video.
Therefore, babylon-mmd is designed to be user-friendly and, with a good understanding and proper usage, it can be helpful in constructing optimized scenes.
Getting Started
Introducing simple and deep usage methods separately You can see what you want.
Quick Start - if you want to use it quickly
Deep Usage - if you want to use it in a optimized / quality way
The two tutorials are independent of each other, You must read tutorial in order.